Results for 'Corinne S. Dulberg'

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  1.  36
    Performance in a verbal transfer task as a function of preshift and postshift response dominance levels and method of presentation.Irwin P. Levin, Jeral R. Williams, Corinne S. Dulberg & Kent L. Norman - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 86 (3):469.
  2.  52
    Using translational research to enhance farmers’ voice: a case study of the potential introduction of GM cassava in Kenya’s coast.Corinne Valdivia, M. Kengo Danda, Dekha Sheikh, Harvey S. James, Violet Gathaara, Grace Mbure, Festus Murithi & William Folk - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (4):673-681.
    Genetically modified cassava is currently being developed to address problems of diseases that threaten the food security of farmers in developing countries. The technologies are aimed at smallholder farmers, in hopes of reducing the vulnerability of cassava production to these diseases. In this paper we examine barriers to farmers’ voice in the development of GM cassava. We also examine the role of a translational research process to enhance farmers’ voice, to understand the sources of vulnerability farmers in a group in (...)
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    Move to learn: Integrating spatial information from multiple viewpoints.Corinne A. Holmes, Nora S. Newcombe & Thomas F. Shipley - 2018 - Cognition 178 (C):7-25.
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    Studia Phoenicia, VIII: Melqart: Cultes et mythes de l'Héraklès tyrien en MéditerranéeStudia Phoenicia, VIII: Melqart: Cultes et mythes de l'Herakles tyrien en Mediterranee.Mark S. Smith & Corinne Bonnet - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (3):590.
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    Sequential dependencies in single-item and multiple-item probability learning.Irwin P. Levin, Corrine S. Dulberg, J. Frank Dooley & James V. Hinrichs - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 93 (2):262.
  6.  55
    From Board Composition to Corporate Environmental Performance Through Sustainability-Themed Alliances.Corinne Post, Noushi Rahman & Cathleen McQuillen - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (2):423-435.
    A growing body of work suggests that the presence of women and of independent directors on boards of directors is associated with higher corporate environmental performance. However, the mechanisms linking board composition to corporate environmental performance are not well understood. This study proposes and empirically tests the mediating role of sustainability-themed alliances in the relationship between board composition and corporate environmental performance. Using the population of public oil and gas firms in the United States as the sample, the study relies (...)
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    Artist's Statement: On Sexual Art.Tee A. Corinne - 1993 - Feminist Studies 19 (2):369.
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    Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) Roundtable Summary: Artificial Intelligence and the Good Society Workshop Proceedings.Corinne Cath, Michael Zimmer, Stine Lomborg & Ben Zevenbergen - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (1):155-162.
    This article is based on a roundtable held at the Association of Internet Researchers annual conference in 2017, in Tartu, Estonia. The roundtable was organized by the Oxford Internet Institute’s Digital Ethics Lab. It was entitled “Artificial Intelligence and the Good Society”. It brought together four scholars—Michael Zimmer, Stine Lomborg, Ben Zevenbergen, and Corinne Cath—to discuss the promises and perils of artificial intelligence, in particular what ethical frameworks are needed to guide AI’s rapid development and increased use in societies. (...)
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    Art Essay: Artist's Statement on Sexual Art.A. Corinne - 1993 - Feminist Studies 19:369-76.
  10. The design of the internet’s architecture by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and human rights.Corinne Cath & Luciano Floridi - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (2):449–468.
    The debate on whether and how the Internet can protect and foster human rights has become a defining issue of our time. This debate often focuses on Internet governance from a regulatory perspective, underestimating the influence and power of the governance of the Internet’s architecture. The technical decisions made by Internet Standard Developing Organisations that build and maintain the technical infrastructure of the Internet influences how information flows. They rearrange the shape of the technically mediated public sphere, including which rights (...)
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    Antianxiety and opiates.Mark S. Gold & Corinne Frantz Fox - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (3):486-487.
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  12. Educating Future Engineer-Managers About Corporate Social Responsibility Following the École de Montréal’s Perspective.Corinne Gendron & Lovasoa Ramboarisata - 2018 - In Mike Murphy, Martin Meganck, Christelle Didier, Bernard Delahousse & Steen Christensen, The Engineering-Business Nexus: Symbiosis, Tension and Co-Evolution. Springer Verlag.
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    Adoption of smart farm networks: a translational process to inform digital agricultural technologies.Barituka Bekee, Michelle S. Segovia & Corinne Valdivia - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1573-1590.
    Due to natural phenomena like global warming and climate change, agricultural production is increasingly faced with threats that transcend farm boundaries. Management practices at the landscape or community level are often required to adequately respond to these new challenges (e.g., pest migration). Such decision-making at a community or beyond-farm level—i.e., practices that are jointly developed by farmers within a community—can be aided by computing and communications technology. In this study, we employ a translational research process to examine the social and (...)
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  14. The Possibility of Psychic Conflict in Seneca's De Ira.Corinne Gartner - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (2):213-233.
    This paper explores the potential for psychic conflict within Seneca's moral psychology. Some scholars have taken Seneca's explicit claim in De Ira that the soul is unitary to preclude any kind of simultaneous psychic conflict, while other interpreters have suggested that Seneca views all cases of anger as instances of akrasia. I argue that Seneca's account of anger provides the resources for accommodating some types of simultaneous psychic conflict; however, he denies the possibility of psychic conflict between two action-generating impulses, (...)
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  15.  11
    Toward holistic history: the odyssey of an interdisciplinary historian.Corinne Lathrop Gilb - 2005 - Atherton, CA: Atherton Press.
    Historian, city planner, international lecturer, and early advocate of interdisciplinary study, Corinne LathropGIlb draws on disciplines beyond the conventional study of history to explore such diverse topics as symbolismin city planning, biorhythms as determinants of creativity, the intertwined histories of liberalism andcorporatism, and the role of beauty in public policy. Woven as a subtext throughout this collection ofarticles, speeches, and other short writings is Dr. Gilb's inquiry into the dynamic between inner history ("thearchitecture of self-space") and outer history. Thought-provoking (...)
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    H.F.J. Horstmanshoff et al. (éds), Kykeon. Studies in Honour of H.S. Versnel.Corinne Bonnet - 2003 - Kernos 16:384-385.
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  17.  96
    EikaΣia and πiΣtiΣ in Plato's Cave Allegory.Corinne Praus Sze - 1977 - Classical Quarterly 27 (01):127-.
    This allegory is among the most well-traversed passages in Plato's dialogues and deservedly so. Its emotional impact is undeniable, yet it confronts the reader with several problems of interpretation. There is a strong sense that it is of central importance to the crucial questions of the Platonic philosopher's education and his role in society, and it possibly holds one key to an understanding of the Republic as a whole.
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    Exploring Consent to Use Real-World Data in Lung Cancer Radiotherapy: Decision of a Citizens’ Jury for an ‘Informed Opt-Out’ Approach.Arbaz Kapadi, Hannah Turner-Uaandja, Rebecca Holley, Kate Wicks, Leila Hamrang, Brian Turner, Tjeerd van Staa, Catherine Bowden, Annie Keane, Gareth Price, Corinne Faivre-Finn, David French, Caroline Sanders, Søren Holm & Sarah Devaney - forthcoming - Health Care Analysis:1-22.
    An emerging approach to complement randomised controlled trial (RCT) data in the development of radiotherapy treatments is to use routinely collected ‘real-world’ data (RWD). RWD is the data collected as standard-of-care about all patients during their usual cancer care pathway. Given the nature of this data, important questions remain about the permissibility and acceptability of using RWD in routine practice. We involved and engaged with patients, carers and the public in a two-day citizens’ jury to understand their views and obtain (...)
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  19. Gerda Walther.Corinne Pouilly - 2006 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 138 (3):209-225.
    Gerda Walther traite de l�expérience mystique comme d�une expérience qui fonde les différentes religions. Elle propose une vision de la mystique faisant écho à celle de Maître Eckhart à travers un vocabulaire phénoménologique hérité de Pfänder. Elle pense la personne à partir de l�expérience mystique. Son étude s�élargit jusqu�au thème de l�empathie. Elle discute le questionnement nietzschéen de la mort de Dieu et retravaille l�allégorie platonicienne de la caverne. L�expérience du divin est liée à la souffrance, à l�abandon et au (...)
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  20.  51
    The Vegetarian Polis: Just Diet in Plato’s Republic and in Ours.Corinne M. Painter - 2013 - Journal of Animal Ethics 3 (2):121-132.
    In this article, I argue that the just society is vegetarian. However, I do so in a way not commonly attempted by contemporary animal rights theorists, insofar as I appeal to Plato to make my case. Although there are certainly other ways to argue for this position, appealing to Plato is a significant and interesting way to lend historical credibility to this argument, and as such, the argument offered in this article provides an important contribution to existing analyses that attempt (...)
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  21.  43
    A Critical Phenomenology of Sickness.Corinne Lajoie - 2019 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 23 (2):48-66.
    This paper takes Porochista Khakpour’s personal narrative of chronic illness, disability, and addiction in Sick: A Memoir (2018) as a starting point to reflect on social and material features of sick bodily subjectivity. In ways heretofore largely unexplored by tradi-tional phenomenologies of illness, I ask what different modalities of the body come to light if we move beyond the privatization of dis-ease as a biological dysfunction and instead bring into focus its re-lation with conditions of existence that make and keep (...)
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  22.  62
    In Defense of Socrates.Corinne Painter - 2005 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 9 (2):317-333.
    In this essay I argue that the Stranger’s interest in keeping the philosopher and the sophist distinct is connected, primarily, to his assessment of the charges ofsophistry advanced against Socrates, which compels him to defend Socrates from these unduly advanced accusations. On this basis, I establish that the Stranger’s task in the Sophist, namely to keep philosophy distinct from sophistry, is intimately tied to the project of securing justice and is therefore not merely of theoretical importance but is also—and essentially—of (...)
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  23. Aristotle on Love and Friendship.Corinne Gartner - 2017 - In Christopher Bobonich, The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Ethics. Cambridge University Press. pp. 143-163.
    Friendship (philia) plays a prominent role in Aristotle’s ethical thought. It is only within the context of his discussions of philia that Aristotle explicitly mentions acting for the sake of another’s good: friends, he claims, wish and do good things for one another for the sake of the friend. However, it is not clear whether Aristotle limits disinterested wishing well to the complete friendships of virtuous agents. I argue that he does not; friends of all varieties, to the extent that (...)
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  24. The Myth of Cronus in Plato’s Statesman: Cosmic Rotation and Earthly Correspondence.Corinne Gartner & Claudia Yau - 2020 - Apeiron 53 (4):437-462.
    The cosmological myth in Plato’s Statesman has generated several longstanding scholarly disputes, among them a controversy concerning the number and nature of the cosmic rotation cycles that it depicts. According to the standard interpretation, there are two cycles of rotation: west-to-east rotation occurs during the age of Cronus, and east-to-west rotation occurs during the age of Zeus, which is also our present era. Recent readings have challenged this two-cycle interpretation, arguing that the period of rotation opposed to our own is (...)
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    Feeling for the Other With Ease: Prospective Actors Show High Levels of Emotion Recognition and Report Above Average Empathic Concern, but Do Not Experience Strong Distress.Isabell Schmidt, Tuomas Rutanen, Roberto S. Luciani & Corinne Jola - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:543846.
    Differences in empathic abilities between acting, dance, and psychology students were explored, in addition to the appropriateness of existing empathy measures in the context of these cohorts. Students (N= 176) across Higher Education Institutions in the United Kingdom and Europe were included in the online survey analysis, consisting of the Reading the Mind in the Eyes (RME) test, the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), the Empathy Quotient (EQ), and the E-drawing test (EDT), each measuring particular facets of empathy. Based on existing (...)
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  26.  57
    Obstetric Violence and Vulnerability: A Bioethical Approach.Corinne Berzon & Sara Cohen Shabot - 2023 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 16 (1):52-76.
    At healthcare facilities worldwide, women during childbirth undergo medical procedures they haven’t consented to and experience mistreatment and disrespect. This phenomenon is recognized as obstetric violence (OV), a distinct form of gender violence. The resulting trauma carries both immediate and long-term implications, making it vital to address for promoting women’s health. OV is partly shaped by a narrow, paternalistic conception of vulnerability. A flawed conception of the vulnerability of pregnant women and fetuses has opened the door to medical control and (...)
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    Gassendi et l'élasticité de l'air : Une étape entre Pascal et la loi de Boyle-Mariotte / Gassendi and air's elasticity : A step between Pascal and Boyle-Mariotte's law.Corinne Massignat - 2000 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 53 (2):179-204.
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    Choosing one's fate: A re-reading of sein und zeit §74.Thomas Sheehan & Corinne Painter - 1999 - Research in Phenomenology 29 (1):63-82.
    In this article we present (1) a close paraphrase--virtually a translation--of Heidegger's Sein und Zeit, §74, "Die Grundverfassung der Geschichtlichkeit," pp. 382-387, together with an analytical outline found in the Appendix; and (2) a brief commentary on the text. What Heidegger says about his own translation of Aristotle's Physics B 1 applies here as well: "The ‘translation' is already the interpretation proper. Thereafter only an explanation of the ‘translation' is called for.".
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    Aristotle and Functionalism.Corinne Painter - 2004 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 9 (1):53-77.
    In this paper I provide a compelling argument against the thesis that Aristotle’s understanding of the relation between the soul and the body can be construed asfunctionalist, despite some passages that would seem to support such an interpretation. Toward this end, in section I of the essay I offer an interpretation of Aristotle’s account of the soul-body relation that emphasizes the non-contingent nature of the connection between the soul and a specific kind of body, arguing that Aristotle’s account of the (...)
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    Une science pacificatrice au service de l’acceptabilité sociale? Le cas des gaz de schiste au Québec.Corinne Gendron - 2016 - Éthique Publique 18 (1).
    Lorsque la controverse sur les gaz de schiste a éclaté au Québec, les pouvoirs publics ont fait le pari de miser sur la science et les nouvelles connaissances pour refroidir le débat et construire l’acceptabilité sociale de la filière. Or, si la stratégie retenue a permis de documenter la technique de fracturation sous ses multiples aspects et d’approfondir les connaissances sur le milieu physique, biologique, économique et social ainsi que sur l’encadrement juridique, les recherches scientifiques sur la filière des gaz (...)
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    Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology: Nature, spirit and life Andrea staiti cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2014, 313 pp., $108.95. [REVIEW]Corinne Lajoie - 2018 - Dialogue 57 (4):931-932.
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    Review Articles: Husserl as the Modern Plato? On Hopkins' Reading of Husserl.Corinne Painter - 2011 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 3 (2):255-268.
    Burt Hopkins's The Philosophy of Husserl presents a challenging and thoughtful elucidation of Husserl's phenomenology that pays special attention to important methodological aspects of Husserl's philosophy, and, thereby, to Husserl's characterization of phenomenology as a pure and transcendental philosophy. Unlike other texts that attempt to elucidate Husserl's philosophy, Hopkins carries out his project in an unusual fashion, by beginning with a consideration of the conflict between Plato and Aristotle regarding the meaning and status of the eide, and ending with a (...)
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  33.  42
    A Merleau-Pontian Account of Embodied Perceptual Norms.Corinne Lajoie - 2018 - Ithaque 22:1-19.
    Although philosophers may first find it odd to speak of norms in the context of perception, the argument for normativity finds support in the writings of some of the spearheads of the phenomenological tradition, amongst them Edmund Husserl and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. As Maren Wehrle argues however, a phenomenological analysis of perception’s normative claim requires that we redefine our traditional conception of norms as authoritative standards or prescriptive moral guidelines. To this end, as she points out, the origin of the concept (...)
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    Colloquium 5 Commentary on Levin.Corinne Gartner - 2021 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 36 (1):159-165.
    In her rich and provocative paper, Susan Levin seeks to defend the value of anger against the views of Stoics and transhumanists, both of whom regard anger as irrational and to be eliminated. In her defense, Levin draws on Aristotle, relating his position to contemporary appraisal theorists as well as anti-racism activists and scholars, for Aristotle holds, in contrast with the Stoics, that some cases of anger are justified. The virtuous Aristotelian agent will become angry in response to injustice. I (...)
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  35.  12
    Différence, différend: Deleuze et Lyotard.Corinne Enaudeau & Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos (eds.) - 2015 - [Paris]: Éditions Les Belles lettres.
    Gilles Deleuze et Jean-François Lyotard sont deux figures centrales de la pensée française contemporaine. Leur connivence, née dans les années 1970 alors qu'ils enseignent à l'Université expérimentale de Vincennes, procède d'une critique partagée de l'humanisme classique, d'une distance comparable à l'égard du structuralisme, enfin d'une thématisation commune du désir et de la sensibilité. La publication, à deux ans d'intervalle, de L'Anti-Oedipe et d'Economie libidinale confirme cette proximité : les auteurs y soutiennent des positions éthiques et politiques tout aussi intempestives. On (...)
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  36.  84
    Aristotle and the Moral Status of Animals.Corinne Painter - 2006 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 13 (2):45-57.
    In the last three decades, the consideration of whether non-human animals should be ascribed any moral status, and if so in what way it ought to be ascribed to them, has become of central philosophical, political and economic importance. Thus, given thecontemporary significance of what may be called (jar simplicity’s sake) the “animal issue,” it is worthwhile to examine in what way Ancient Greek philosophy might contribute to our understanding of the issue and to our philosophical response to it. With (...)
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    Linda-Marie Günther – Bärbel Morstadt , Phönizische, Griechische und Römische Gottheiten im historischen Wandel, Turnhout 2015 , XVIII, 159 S., 27 Abb., 2 Ktn., ISBN 978-2-503-54457-1 , € 75,–Phönizische, Griechische und Römische Gottheiten im historischen Wandel. [REVIEW]Corinne Bonnet - 2015 - Klio 101 (2):718-723.
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    Sense and Normativity.Corinne Lajoie - 2020 - Chiasmi International 22:413-429.
    The notion of sense is central to Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s entire phenomenological project but it remains conspicuously absent from contemporary discussions of perceptual normativity. My intervention in this paper addresses this gap and contributes an account of perceptual norms as embodied orientations towards sense. To begin, I distinguish between two conceptions of norms: in contradistinction with Sean D. Kelly’s and Hubert Dreyfus’s accounts, I argue with Merleau-Ponty that perceptual norms emerge at the intersection of inherently labile, fallible, and temporally thick body-world (...)
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    Longing for Darkness: Tara and the Black Madonna: A Ten-Year Journey (review).Corinne G. Dempsey - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):224-227.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Longing for Darkness: Tara and the Black Madonna; A Ten-year JourneyCorinne DempseyLonging for Darkness: Tara and the Black Madonna; A Ten-year Journey. By China Galland. New York: Penguin, 1990. xx + 392 pp.As someone accustomed to reading religion through ethnography—a genre that approaches deities and saints in a largely contextualized manner, purportedly “grounded” in indigenous perspectives—writings that aim to link devotional figures from opposite sides of the globe make (...)
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    Twelve Tips for Starting a Collaboration with an Art Museum.Ray Williams & Corinne Zimmermann - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 41 (4):597-601.
    In recent years, collaboration between medical educators and art museum educators has emerged as an important trend. The museum environment can support a kind of professional reflection and conversation that is difficult to develop in a medical setting. Skills such as close looking, empathic communication, resilience, and cultural awareness may also be developed in the art museum when plans for the visit are developed with attention to their relevance to health professions. Working across disciplines requires identifying and cultivating a strong (...)
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    Aristotle on Thought and Feeling by Paula Gottlieb (review).Corinne Gartner - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (4):703-705.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Aristotle on Thought and Feeling by Paula GottliebCorinne GartnerPaula Gottlieb. Aristotle on Thought and Feeling. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. 173. Hardback, $99.99.Paula Gottlieb's recent book is an illuminating, synoptic study of Aristotle's theory of human motivation, according to which his innovative notion of prohairesis (choice)—specifically, the virtuous agent's prohairesis—is the cornerstone. She argues against both Kantian-flavored readings, which prioritize reason's role in motivating ethical action, and (...)
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    Herman Philipse, Heidegger's philosophy of being: A critical interpretation. [REVIEW]Corinne Painter - 2000 - Continental Philosophy Review 33 (2):207-217.
  43.  21
    Existential Psychodrama: A Way to Incorporate Otherness and Open Up to Existence: A Clinical Approach of Psychosis.Corinne Gal, Alexandre Chapy, Marielle Fau & Muriel Guaveia - 2023 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 30 (3):215-223.
    The authors argue that Morenian-inspired existential psychodrama turns out to be a formidable lever for opening up existence as it allows schizophrenic patients to incorporate the experience of an “absolutely other” on which the foundation of any autonomous self is built. More precisely, by relying on their clinical experiences, the authors show how psycho-dramatic play goes along with an intense movement of original projection which carries psychotic patients externally in relation to themselves. Offset from their pathological world, these patients feel (...)
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    Philosophers, Carers, and Psychodramatic Games.Corinne Gal, Alexandre Chapy, Marielle Fau & Muriel Guaveia - 2023 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 30 (3):231-233.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophers, Carers, and Psychodramatic GamesCorinne Gal (bio), Alexandre Chapy (bio), Marielle Fau (bio), and Muriel Guaveia (bio)Dear Jonathan D. Moreno,Thank you for the honor of taking the time to comment on the work we do. It is very meaningful for us to be able to talk with you.We, too, see a big difference between philosophers and carers (in the broadest sense) who deal with the suffering of patients and (...)
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    Mettre les polythéismes en formules? À propos de la base de données Mapping Ancient Polytheisms.Sylvain Lebreton & Corinne Bonnet - 2019 - Kernos 32:267-296.
    Cet article présente la Base de Données (BDD) développée dans le cadre du projet ERC Mapping Ancient Polytheisms (MAP), qui vise à étudier les systèmes religieux des mondes grecs et ouest-sémitiques dans la longue durée (ca. 1000 av. – 400 ap. J.-C.) à travers le prisme des « attributs onomastiques divins ». On entend par là les noms, épithètes, formes verbales, et autres appellations que les Anciens attribuaient à leurs dieux. La construction d’un tel outil, qui n’est pas sans précédents (...)
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    L’esperienza dell’istante. [REVIEW]Corinne Painter - 1998 - Review of Metaphysics 52 (1):135-137.
    L’esperienza dell’istante is a book with two faces. On one hand it is an introduction to and commentary on Carlo Sini’s work; on the other hand it investigates the relationship between time and writing, time and utopian thinking, time and ethics. The opening section of the book begins with an analysis of Socrates’ attitude toward writing as it is shown in the Phaedrus. Carrera offers that by refusing to write, while at the same time claiming the role of judge as (...)
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    Transcriptional regulation of APP by apoE: To boldly go where no isoform has gone before.Liying Corinne Lee, Michele Q. L. Goh & Edward H. Koo - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (9):1700062.
    Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia that gradually disrupts the brain network to impair memory, language and cognition. While the amyloid hypothesis remains the leading proposed mechanism to explain AD pathophysiology, anti-amyloid therapeutic strategies have yet to translate into useful therapies, suggesting that amyloid β-protein and its precursor, the amyloid precursor protein are but a part of the disease cascade. Further, risk of AD can be modulated by a number of factors, the most impactful being the ɛ4 (...)
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    Le Deuil du Pouvoir: Essais Sur L'Abdication.Alain Boureau & Corinne Péneau (eds.) - 2013 - Les Belles Lettres.
    English summary: Abdication may be the renouncement of power, but it is also an ultimate act of personal power, one that can only be made by an individual imposing his own choice to abandon the body politic. This collection of articles follows up on Jacques Le Bruns 2009 study of abdication, with analyses of abdications by Christine of Sweden, Celestine V, Charles de Gaulle, as well as abdication as treated in the films Habemus Papam and King Lear. French description: Au (...)
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    Morality Usa.Ellen G. Friedman & Corinne Squire - 1998 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    In today's world, moral uncertainty is found everywhere. MORALITY USA calls for recognition of the multiplicity of moral structures that now exist and argues that we need to rethink our concepts of morality.
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    Revelations of character: ethos, rhetoric, and moral philosophy in Montaigne.Corinne Noirot-Maguire & Valérie M. Dionne (eds.) - 2007 - Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The untranslatable and intriguing notion of ethos (mores, goodness, character, etc.) contrasts in Ancient rhetoric with pathos and logos, the other two pisteis or means of persuasion. Rhetorical ethos is characterized by ambivalence; is it essentially extra- or intra-discursive? an effect of the soul or an effective simulacrum? stable or circumstantial? As a discursive image, an artefact of speech, ethos remains problematic in its legitimacy. As shown in this volume, Montaigne's readings of Ancient theories of ethos resonate in the Essais. (...)
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